RARE! Yellow Tailed Acrobat Ant (3 Queens in one nest)
Australia Post or Sydney local pick up
Multiple Crematogaster queens
1x Large crematogaster queen with 1 worker = $15 1x Small crematogaster queen with 4 workers = $15 Both = $20 No international sales and no sales to W...
Sugar ant colony
Banded sugar ant Queen with 13 workers With enclosure. If u need pics text pls
Crematogaster colonies
Hey I have 17 x crematogaster colonies with first workers about 5-10+ $15 each $10 each for bulk Won’t let me post images can text through
Queen ants
Crematogaster Queen – Valentine Ant Queen with brood Queen with 1-10 workers $45 Queen with 11-20 $60 Queen with 30 workers $75 Weaver ant queen for s...
Extremely Healthy Crematogaster colony with 30+ workers & Crematogaster colony with 1 worker FOR SALE!!! (PRICE NEGOTIABLE)
PRICE NEGOTIABLE Package: 2 Crematogaster colonies together (A & B)= $40 Separate Buy: Crematogaster sp. Colony with around 5 workers ($10) Extrem...
10 Queens and 2 Crematogaster Colonies FOR SALE!!! MORE INFO IN DESCRIPTION (PRICE NEGOTIABLE)
PRICE NEGOTIABLE SOLD: F: Unidentified 3mm queen ($1) IN STOCK: A: Crematogaster sp. Colony with around 10 workers and tons of brood ($35) B: Crematog...
10 Queens and 2 Crematogaster Colonies FOR SALE!!! MORE INFO IN DESCRIPTION (PRICE NEGOTIABLE)
PRICE NEGOTIABLE SOLD: F: Unidentified 3mm queen ($1) IN STOCK: A: Crematogaster sp. Colony with around 10 workers and tons of brood ($30) B: Crematog...
11 Queens and 2 Crematogaster Colonies FOR SALE!!! MORE INFO IN DESCRIPTION (PRICE NEGOTIABLE)
PRICE NEGOTIABLEIN STOCK: A: Crematogaster sp. Colony with around 10 workers and tons of brood ($30) B: Crematogaster sp. Colony with around 30 worker...
Crematogaster queens and colonies
Queen with wings and no brood – $15 Queen with brood wings/no wings – $25 Queen and workers – $35